
ride home 5-16

Here is our boy in the car!! What an EMOTIONAL morning! I mentioned in a previous post that we didn’t get an update call that we were expecting from the vet on Sunday.. so we had no idea what to expect in the way of discharge, we didn’t know how Bruce was doing, and I had a lot of unanswered questions. This morning when I called them, they told me we could pick Bruce up at 4 pm.. the problem with this is that I was TRYING to go back to work tonight, and be there for when we bring Bruce home. I was hoping we could do an earlier discharge because of how far we live from the surgical center.. and Bruce stayed an additional day than normal since his surgery was on a Friday so I figured they would be ready for him to go. So I may or may not have unloaded, somewhat hysterically, my disappointment. Apparently Bruce’s medical record said a doctor tried to call us, didn’t reach us, and left a message (we never received the call or the message though – so maybe the wrong number was called by mistake). Anyway long story short, they apologized, gave me an update (a great one!) and said we could pick him up at noon.

When they brought him out.. He practically ran-hopped to us! I was so surprised! His whole body was wiggling his tail was wagging so hard! I was so impressed, and a little nervous because I didn’t want him to fall. He made it all the way from the second floor where the surgical center is to the car ramp, no slips or mishaps! He seemed comfortable in the car. When we got home he peed in the front yard, greeted his sister enthusiastically, and laid on his bed in the living room and ate half a frozen dog treat :). We took our second tramadol (he’s on an every 8 hour schedule – 6a, 2p, 10p), and took a nice nap.

napping with marley 5-16

pack nap 5-16

Daddy came home and joined us after he ran up to work for a minute. A few hours later, we got up for a short walk outside. We peed and sniffed and enjoyed it thoroughly, and then came inside to eat. I put two scrambled eggs on top of his kibble, and he ate most of the eggs with a little kibble. Now were resting on the carpet in the living room.

It’s difficult to explain the magnitude of our emotions! Surprise! Relief! Joy! Astonishment! I’m a little concerned Bruce is doing TOO well today, that he’s pushing himself more than he should, so we’re encouraging rest, rest, rest. He’s bright eyed, with a clearness to them that I can’t quite remember being there before his surgery. I was mildly upset that he seemed to be doing so well the week prior to his surgery (despite his limp.. it was there but not worsening). I was worried about our decision. But today, today he is different. He is improved. He is better. There was something that I can’t quite put my finger on that was wrong or different in the weeks he limped leading up to his surgery. It’s gone now. His hair has completely grown back on his face, it was still patchy when he went to surgery. His ears are smooth again with no more scabs on the inside. His good elbow is still a little bald but no more patchy white moldy looking spots.

Apparently he was eating and getting around great this weekend with the vet:). They would like for us to try to keep his dressing in place for 5-7 days (Bruce wasn’t too rambunctious..ever..so we’re hoping this wont be too difficult) and then sutures out in 10-14, and activity restrictions lifted in three weeks. We should hear about the biopsy in the next few days.. so while we wait for that news..we are joyfully enjoying every moment with our Bruce. We have no regrets, we did the best thing we could for him, and the way he looks and acts makes my heart swell! It’s so good to have him home!!

bruce and daddy 5-16

eager for walk 5-16

outside alone 5-16

Author: rsmccaa

Hi! My name is Robin and my husband, Miles, and I share a home with our two furbabies, Bruce and Marley. We are here on tripawds because our Bruce has recently (5/13/16) had a right front leg amputation for a possible osteosarcoma (still to be determined).

9 thoughts on “Homecoming!!!”

  1. Yeah Bruce! Sometimes they crash on about the 3rd day or so, so don’t be surprised. Is he getting anything other than Tramadol for pain?

    1. He is also on rimadyl, but those two medications are all they sent him home on. He’s definitely a little moodier this evening, shifting a lot in his bed trying to get comfortable.

      1. Keep an eye on him. You might ask about gabapentin. It works on the nerves and blocks pain receptors or something like that. I’m surprised he’s not on something like that. Rimadyl is similar to what aspirin is for humans, tramadol is a little narcotic-like, and gabapentin is actually also prescribed for humans (as is tramadol, I think) for things like diabetic nerve pain.

        1. I’m a nurse, so I’m familiar with these medicines 🙂 we will definitely be keeping an eye on him.

  2. Hooray for Bruce and his pack! 🙂 I’ve been looking for an update on him today, knowing how worried you were this weekend.

    It’s uncanny – the relief you see and feel when they come hopping out to you.

    Happy happy joy joy!! – Hugs – Julie and Tipper

  3. Welcome home, Bruce! And thanks for sharing the pictures. I echo the comments above about the possibility of seeing a crash once all of the hospital meds get out of his system. Tramadol and Rimadyl worked for us, but we did have to adjust dosages with the vet. Encourage plenty of rest, and keep an eye on his pain. By the time the staples come out, you will be amazed!



    These pictures and this update made my day!!

    I’m so.sorry you had to go through the weekend without an update call! I know that was an additional stress you sure didn’t need!!

    Bruce is home and recovering now and that’s all that matters!

    You may still have some ups and downs in the next weekish. I think he was hiding his pain very well prior the amputation.

    You are a WONDERFUL.advocate for Bruce! He is a very lucky boy to have you as his humans! It looks like Marley is happy to have him home too!

    Keep these great updates coming! And try and get some rest yourselves!


    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

  5. Awww that’s pawesome! What a fantastic homecoming. When members journal about their emotions like you have, it really helps others who are new on this journey. Thank you so much for taking time to let us know that it’s not as scary as we think it will be. You guys rock!

    Give Bruce a smooch from us and keep us posted. We hope all is well.

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